New publication alert!

At the 2020 AzPS annual meeting, Calli Bennett, an osteopathic medical student in the Arizona College of Medicine at Midwestern University-Glendale, AZ, presented this work investigating whether sex modulates the effects of dietary folic acid deficiency in the mouse brain. Now it is published! Check out this recent publication from the Jadavji lab. Links below.
Bennett C, Green J, Ciancio M, Goral J, Pitstick L, Pytynia M, Meyer A, Kwatra N, Jadavji NM. (2021) Dietary folic acid deficiency impacts hippocampal morphology and cortical acetylcholine metabolism in adult male and female mice. Nutritional Neuroscience: In Press. DOI: 10.1080/1028415X.2021.1932242
Nafisa Jadavji, Ph.D.

Tala Curry