Officer elections 2018

Our new fearless leaders
Greetings everyone! I'd like to introduce you to your newly-elected AZPS officers. Thank you to everyone who cast their vote and offered nominations for running in the next election! Without further ado:
- President-Elect: Jon Harrison, PhD (ASU)
- Secretary/Treasurer-Elect: John VandenBrooks, PhD (MWU)
- Postdoctoral Councillor: Alexandra Garvin, PhD (UA-Phoenix)
- Graduate Student Councillor: Meli'sa Crawford (ASU)
If you'd like to read more about your new officers, please visit the current officers page of the site. We welcome their leadership in taking the society forward!

John Kanady
Dr. Kanady is a lecturer for the Department of Physiology at the University of Arizona. You can connect with him on Twitter @JDKPhD.